Growing Guides

Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) Growing Guide

Sun: Most Nepenthes thrive in very bright, diffused light or partly sunny conditions. Many can be easily grown on a sunny windowsill. Terrariums with high-powered fluorescent lights are ideal; we recommend using four T-5 lights. Water: In greenhouses, avoid using the tray method of watering entirely. Instead, place containers on benches or hang them so water can freely drain away. In terrariums and on windowsills, place the pot in a shallow saucer and water overhead as soon as the water in the saucer...

What are some interesting facts about butterworts?

Butterworts, scientifically known as Pinguicula, are a group of carnivorous plants known for their striking appearance and unique trapping mechanisms. Here are some interesting facts about butterworts: Carnivorous Adaptation: Like other carnivorous plants, butterworts have evolved to capture and digest insects and other small prey to obtain essential nutrients, especially in nutrient-poor soils. Lack of Active Movement: Unlike some carnivorous plants like sundews, butterworts do not have active movements to trap prey. Instead, they rely on a passive adhesive trapping...

What are some interesting facts about sundews?

Sundews, also known as Drosera, are a fascinating group of carnivorous plants known for their glistening, sticky tentacles that capture and digest small insects. Here are some interesting facts about sundews: Carnivorous Behavior: Sundews are carnivorous plants that derive nutrients from insects and other small prey. They have evolved a variety of mechanisms to capture, immobilize, and digest their prey. Sticky Tentacles: Sundew leaves are covered with glandular hairs that secrete a sticky, glue-like substance. When an insect lands on...

What are some interesting facts about Nepenthes aka the tropical pitcher plant?

Nepenthes, commonly known as tropical pitcher plants or monkey cups, are a group of carnivorous plants known for their distinctive pitcher-shaped traps. Here are some interesting facts about Nepenthes: Global Distribution: Nepenthes are found in various tropical and subtropical regions, including Southeast Asia, Australia, Madagascar, and some parts of the Indian Ocean. They are especially diverse in Borneo, Sumatra, and the Philippines. Carnivorous Adaptations: Like other carnivorous plants, Nepenthes have evolved to capture and digest insects and other small prey....

What are some interesting facts about sarracenia?

Sarracenia, commonly known as North American pitcher plants or trumpet pitchers, are a fascinating group of carnivorous plants known for their unique adaptations and striking appearance. Here are some interesting facts about Sarracenia: Carnivorous Behavior: Sarracenia are carnivorous plants, which means they capture and digest insects and other small prey to supplement their nutrient intake. They have specialized pitcher-shaped leaves that act as traps. Pitcher Shape: The leaves of Sarracenia are modified into tubular or pitcher-like structures. These pitchers are...

What should I look for in a carnivorous plant vendor before making a purchase?

When selecting a carnivorous plant vendor, there are a few key factors to consider. Here are some important aspects to look for: Plant Health and Quality: Choose a vendor that offers healthy and robust plants. Look for plants with vibrant colors, sturdy growth, and no signs of pests or diseases. Avoid vendors that consistently receive negative reviews about plant quality. Species Selection: A good vendor should have a diverse selection of carnivorous plant species available. This allows you to choose...

Where can I find wild carnivorous plants in the united states?

Wild carnivorous plants can be found in various locations throughout the United States. Here are some common areas where you may encounter them: Southeastern United States: The Southeast, particularly states like North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, is known for its diverse range of carnivorous plants. Areas such as the Green Swamp in North Carolina and the Apalachicola National Forest in Florida are popular for observing pitcher plants, sundews, and other carnivorous species. Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia: This large swamp...

Temperate Sundew (Drosera) Care Sheet

Lighting Temperate Sundews need strong light. They like a sunny location in the yard with a minimum of 4 hours of direct sunlight. If grown indoors they need a very sunny window and/or to be 2 to 4 inches directly under a fluorescent light that is on for 12 to 18 hours a day. Water Do not water Temperate Sundews with tap water, purified water, drinking water, or mineral water. They must have Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water only. You can buy Reverse...

American Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia) Care Sheet

Lighting Sarracenias (Pitcher Plants) need strong light. They like a sunny location in the yard with a minimum of 4 hours of direct sunlight. If grown indoors they need a very sunny window and/or to be 2 to 4 inches directly under a fluorescent light that is on for 12 to 18 hours a day. Water Do not water Sarracenia with tap water, purified water, drinking water, or mineral water because these kinds of water will kill you Pitcher Plant. They must have...